FALL 2015



Course Goals: Proficiency in operations with real numbers, and in the solution and graphical representation of linear equations; Proficiency in polynomial operations, factoring, and the solution and graphical representation of quadratic equations; Proficiency in operations involving rational exponents and manipulation of radical expressions.


Prerequisite: Math 01 or equivalent and RDL 01 if required. Refer to College Curricula Mathematics Requirements and Compass Cut-Off Scores for Mathematics Placement. co-requisite RDL 02 if required


Course description: available at the Official MTH 05 page.


Instructor: Ivan Horozov, e-mail: ivan.horozov at


Classes: M, T, Th 2:00 - 3:50 PM Room BL-207


Office hours: M, T 12:00 – 12:50;  BCC Office:  CP 317


Textbook: The Hutchison Series in Mathematics: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 5th Ed., Baratto, Bergman, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-07-338446-7


Course Grade: Your course grade will be based on the following evaluations:




Tests:                                                  40%

Final Exam:                                         35%

Classwork  (Quizzes or group work):            10%

Homework (See below):                     15%


            TOTAL :                                            100%


 Grading Scale:


P                      74% or above

F                      below 74%



Homework: We will be using Webwork for homework. Expect homework to be due most Mondays.


Classwork: In-class group work or quizzes. The date and the material for each quiz will be announced in class.


Make-up Policy:  Make-up tests or in-class assignment will not be given. 


Retest Policy:  We will have online Webwork retests. If you want to improve your test grades, you may have opportunities to retake them online. 


Final Exam:  The final exam will be the CUNY wide proficiency exam. To pass this course you need 60 or above for this final exam and 74 or above for the course. 


Honor System:

You are encouraged to seek help from any available resource on homework or other assigned work, but each individual (or group, when applicable) must do an individual write-up. 

Copying another group or individual's work is strictly prohibited. 

        You are encouraged to work together on in-class assignments.  However, the completed work signifies your knowledge and understanding of a topic.


Accommodation: Any student with special needs or disabilities should schedule a time to come see me as soon as possible.


If you need help: You are encouraged to come to my office hours for help. Moreover, extra help (tutoring) is available in CP 303.