MTH 06 - Intermediate Algebra and Trigonometry 6 hours 0 credits

Topics selected from real and complex numbers, function concept, coordinate geometry, linear and quadratic equations, systems of equations, geometry, elements of trigonometry.

Syllabus: pdf , docx

Review Sheets:

Supplementary material:

Prerequisites: None. Students with Math Proficiency Index less than 40 are strongly encouraged to enroll in Math Start or CUNY Start before taking college-level mathematics courses.

Page last updated 1/23/2022

Previous Syllabus: pdf, docx (May 2021)
Previous Syllabus: word, pdf (Jan 2019)
Previous Syllabus: word, pdf (Sept 2018)
Previous syllabus: (based on the 5th edition of the text)word, pdf, htm
Previous syllabus: (based on the 5th edition of the text but older trigonometry supplement) word, pdf
Previous syllabus: (based on the 4th edition of the text) word, zipped odt, pdf
Previous syllabus: (based on the 3rd edition of the text) html, word, zipped odt, pdf