Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment

Telephone: 718-289-5169/Fax: 718-289-6048













Note: All reports are in .PDF format only. To view and print .PDF documents, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have the Reader loaded on your system, you can download it by clicking here

Self-Study Guidelines and Schedule

bullet Guidelines (under revision)
bullet Schedule (under revision)

Assessment Project Templates  


bullet Planning Template (last updated 1/21/09. MS Word File)
bullet Planning Template Guidelines (last updated 1/26/09)


bullet BCC College Indicators Web Page (external link)
bulletStatistics by department on course enrollment, course pass and withdrawal rates, CPE pass rates, program enrollment and degrees earned.
bullet Common Formulas
bulletFormulas to calculate percentages, percentage increases/decreases and rate increases/decreases.

Assessment Plans

bullet Automotive Technology Plan, May 2009
bullet ACS 11 Task Sheet
bullet ACS 24 Task Sheet
bullet Biology Plan, May 2009
bullet Human Services Plan, May 2009
bullet Case Study Exercise
bullet Mid-Term Item Map
bullet Nursing Assessment Plan (PHM 10, December 2009)
bullet Sociology Assessment Plan (SOC 37, February 2010)
bullet Grading Rubric for SOC 37

Charts and Rubrics  (click bullets below to see description)

-Learning Goal Charts

bullet Visual Learning Map
bulletThe Visual Learning Map is a being used to illustrate the connections and relationships between the teaching goals of the Department of Arts AAS program and the teaching/learning goals of the various courses within the department. Through the use of the Visual Learning Map we are studying the relationships between individual course goals and the larger program goals. The VLM is a way to represent those connections in a visual form that can be shared among faculty.
bulletContact: Jeanine Kelley-Williams, x5308, Depart. of Art and Music,
bullet Learning Outcomes Map for Course Sequences Template (MS Word File)

-Grading Rubrics


Digital Arts Project Grading Rubric   (.pdf)

An example of a rubric that is being used in the Art Department as a tool for students that lists how their projects are being graded and evaluated by the instructor. It also gives the students a way to figure out how to begin to critique their work.


Contact: Jeanine Kelley-Williams, x5308, Depart. of Art and Music,

bulletRubric and Scoring Chart-CMS 11 (.pdf)
bulletThis assignment is standard in Dr. Rex Butt's Interpersonal Communication (CMS 11) course and is modeled after that of the the CPE and has been developed over several semesters with student input. The original rubric had only five criteria but students felt that the one shown here is a better tool. The rubric is used in class, having each student score two papers and the process takes 10-12 minutes. Scoring a paper and writing a brief comment takes about five minutes. The process also works well with essay questions on exams.
bulletContact: Rex Butt, x5757, Depart. of Communication Arts and Sciences,
bulletCUNY Proficiency Exam (CPE) Scoring Rubric (.pdf)
bulletAs of September 1, 2003 all students pursuing an associate or bachelor's degree at CUNY must take and pass the CPE. Passage of the exam is a requirement for the associate degree, while students pursuing a bachelor's degree must pass by the time they have completed their 60th credit. Using the Rubric, Task 1 and Task 2 are scored separately by different groups of readers, with the responses to each task being read by two trained readers. If the two readers disagree by more than a minimal amount, the essay is read by a third reader. More information on the exam is available at

-Analytical Rubrics

bulletProgram Evaluation Rubric (.pdf)
bulletThis draft rubric is an example of turning program objectives into evaluative (how good is good?) guidelines for descriptive information collected on a specific program dimension. Descriptive information can be a combination of quantitative and qualitative evidence from multiple sources. Adapted from a document summarizing program objectives used in application for the reaccredidation of the Electronics Engineering Program.
bulletContact: Chris Efthimiou, x5169, Institutional Research,

References (click bullets below to see description)



Three-Minute Paper   (.pdf)

The Biology Department began using a Classroom Assessment Tool (CAT) that is entitled the Three Minute Paper.  It will be used after two lectures and two labs in Bio 11.  This CAT is adapted from Angelo and Cross (1993)[1].  It asks students to identify the muddiest point in the lecture and the most interesting point in the lecture.  It also asks students if they read the material.   We have found that most students do not read the assigned reading before the lecture. [1] Angelo, T.A. and K.P. Cross (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, Josey Bass: San Francisco , pp148-158


Contact: Dr. Annette Opler, x5525, Dept. of Biology,


bulletAssessment FAQS (.pdf)

A set of Frequently Asked Questions and general guidelines for faculty and departments planning assessment projects.

bulletNine Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning (.pdf)
bulletConcise, practical, and common-sense principles. Very helpful to re-read from time to time.
bulletClassroom Assessment Techniques (.pdf)
bulletA comprehensive list of classroom assessment techniques and links at


bullet Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy  (.pdf)
bulletBenjamin Bloom's "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" (1956) is a very useful categorization of cognitive tasks, organized hierarchically. Understanding where and how instruction fits these categories, and describing instructional tasks in precise language, is a powerful method for defining goals and outcomes statements.
bullet Evaluation Center Glossary list
bulletProvided by The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University, these resources are intended to improve communication about evaluations.  Input and support have been received from the National Science Foundation and evaluators around the nation.  Sage Publications and Corwin Press have generously permitted inclusion of the glossaries from The Program Evaluation Standards (2nd ed.) and The Student Evaluation Standards.  Appreciation is also extended to the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation .
bullet Dartmouth College Assessment Glossary
bulletExamples of Direct and Indirect Measures of Student Learning  (.pdf)
bullet A range of examples, drawn from Middle States guidelines, organized at course, program, and institutional levels.

bulletInternet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment-NC State University