Publications and Preprints
[01] Conformally symplectic structures and the Lefschetz conditon, with Scott Wilson.
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 362 (2024), 1491--1495.
[02] Generalized almost-Kähler Ricci solitons, with Michael Albanese and Giuseppe Barbaro.
Differential Geom. Appl. 97 (2024), Paper No. 102193, 27 pp.
[03] On the invariant and anti-invariant cohomologies of hypercomplex manifolds, with Nicoletta Tardini.
To appear in Transformation groups.
[04] Canonical almost-Kähler metrics dual to general plane-fronted wave Lorentzian metrics, with Xi Sisi Shen.
Matimatische Zeitschrift 303 (2023), no 4.
[05] Second Chern-Einstein metrics on 4-dimensional almost-Hermitian manifolds, with Giuseppe Barbaro.
Complex manifolds 10 (2023), no 1.
[06] Hermitian metrics of constant Chern scalar curvature on ruled surfaces, with Caner Koca.
Kodai Mathematical Journal 43 (2020), no. 3, 409-430.
[07] Einstein-Maxwell equations on 4-dimensional Lie algebras, with Caner Koca.
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 62 (2019), No. 4, 822-840
[08] 4-dimensional almost-Kahler Lie algebras of constant Hermitian holomorphic sectional curvature are Kahler, with Luigi Vezzoni.
Journal of Lie Theory, 29 (2019), No. 1, 181-190
[09] Closed almost Kahler 4-manifolds of constant non negative Hermitian holomorphic sectional curvature are Kahler, with Markus Upmeier.
Tohoku Mathematical Journal (2) 72 (2020), no. 4, 581-594.
[10] On the Chern-Yamabe flow, with Ali Maalaoui.
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 28 (2018) No. 3, 2692-2706.
[11] Integrability theorems and conformally constant Chern scalar curvature in almost Hermitian geoemtry, with Markus Upmeier.
Communcations in Analysis and Geometry 28 (2020), no. 7, 1603-1645.
[12] Lower bounds on the L^2 norm of the Hermitian scalar curvature, with Julien Keller.
Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 18 (2020), No. 2, 537–558.
[13] Cohomologies on hypercomplex manifolds, with Patrick Weber.
Springer INdAM Series, Vol. 21, p. 107-121, Springer, Cham. (2017)
[14] Quaternionic Bott-Chern cohomology and existence of HKT metrics, with Patrick Weber.
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Volume 68, Issue 3, Pages 705-728 (2017)
[15] Seiberg-Witten invariants on manifolds with Riemannian foliations of codimension 4, with Patrick Weber and Yuri Kordyukov.
Journal of Geometry & Physics, 107 (2016), 114-135.
[16] Extremal k-contact metrics, with Markus Upmeier.
Matimatische Zeitschrift 281 (2015), no 3-4, p. 673-687.
[17] The existence of HKT metrics on hypercomplex manifolds of real dimension 8, with Gueo Grantcharov and Misha Verbitsky.
Advances in Mathematics, 320 (2017), 1135-1157
[18] The J-flow and stability, with Gabor Székelyhidi.
Advances in Mathematics, 274 (2015), 404–431.
[19] Stability under deformations of Hermite-Einstein almost-Kähler metrics.
Annales de l'institut Fourier, 64 (2014), no. 6, p. 2251–2263.
[20] Stability under deformations of extremal almost-Kähler metrics in dimension 4.
Mathematical Research Letters 17 (2010), no. 4, 601–612
[21] Extremal almost-Kähler metrics.
International Journal of mathematics 21 (2010), no. 12, 1639–1662.
[22] Strictly nearly Kähler 6-manifolds are not compatible with symplectic forms.
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 343 (2006), no. 11-12, 759–762.