Talks at the Research Seminar are given by BCC department faculty members and invited speakers from other institutions. The seminar usually meets on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. in room CP 305 for one hour. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Spring 2018 Research Seminar Schedule
Coordinator: Cormac O'Sullivan
Matt Sunderland, CUNY Graduate Center, Geometric Group Theory...+Randomness! | |
No Seminar, (Monday Schedule) | |
Carlos Moreno, Graduate Center CUNY, Number of solutions of algebraic equations over finite fields | |
Ivan Horozov, BCC, Dedekind zeta values and moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces | |
Jan Trlifaj, Charles University, Prague, Representations and Approximations High and Low | |
Mehdi Lejmi, BCC, The Chern-Yamabe problem | |
Sergio Estrada, Universidad de Murcia, Spain, Approximation theory in algebraic contexts | |
No Seminar (Spring Break) | |
Nikos Apostolakis, BCC, Unicycles, almost minimal factorizations, and duality | |
Pat Hooper, the CUNY Graduate Center and City College, Refraction in the trihexagonal tiling | |
Philipp Rothmaler, BCC and the CUNY Graduate Center, Hiding model theory | |
Malgorzata Marciniak, Laguardia Community College, Hessian Dynamics on the Hesse Pencil | |
Tony Weaver, BCC, The anharmonic group | |
The Stanley Friedlander Lecture Ken Kramer, the CUNY Graduate Center and Queens College, Ramification in Galois extensions of the rationals |
Fall 2018 Research Seminar Schedule
Coordinator: Cormac O'Sullivan
Holiday! - No Seminar | |
Cormac O'Sullivan, BCC and CUNY Graduate Center, Some new results on the Riemann zeta function | |
Robert Donley, Queensborough Community College, Central Zeros of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients | |
Karen Taylor, BCC, Identities and Maass Waveforms | |
Kealey Dias, BCC, Quadratic Differentials, Measured Foliations, and Metric Graphs on the Punctured Plane | |
Vincent Martinez, Hunter College, Asymptotic coupling in hydrodynamic equations and applications to data assimilation | |
Yumeng Ou, Baruch College, Recent developments on Falconer's distance set problem | |
Wenjian Liu, Queensborough Community College, Big Data Information Reconstruction on the Infinite Communication Tree Network | |
Nikolaos Apostolakis, BCC, Duality preserving bijections between non-crossing trees, quadrangulations of polygons, and ternary trees | |
Alex Ryba, Queens College, Computer generation of incidence theorems in projective geometry | |
Svetoslav Zahariev, LaGuardia Community College, On scaling limits in Euclidean quantum field theory | |
Senia Sheydvasser, CUNY Graduate Center, Two Trivial Problems and an Impossible One | |
Claire Burrin, Rutgers University, Windings of prime geodesics | |