MTH 28 - College Algebra and Elementary Trigonometry 4 hours 3 credits Fundamentals of elementary, intermediate and college algebra essential for the study of pre-calculus and calculus. Topics include linear equations, polynomials, factoring, roots and radicals, rational expressions, quadratic equations, the function concept, and the trigonometric ratios.
Syllabus: MTH 28 syllabus (pdf), MTH 28 syllabus (docx)
Supplementary material:
Prerequisites: This course is open to students who are CUNY Math Proficient AND meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Mathematics high school GPA of at least 70 and successful completion of a course beyond Algebra 1;
- New York State Regents Trigonometry Score of at least 65;
- New York State Regents Common Core Algebra 2 Score of at least 65.
Page last updated 2/19/2024
Previous Syllabi
Fall 2023: PDF, docx Spring 2023: PDF, docx
Fall 2022: PDF, docx