# File: area_2.py - a modification of area.py program # This program takes length and width of a rectangular room as an input # (in inches) and outputs the area of the room in square meters. # For conversion we use the following information: # 1 inch is 0.0254 meters def main(): print("This program finds the area of a rectangular room in square meters.") # getting length input from the user l = eval(input("please, input the length of the room in inches :")) l_conv = l * 0.0254 # converting to meters # getting length input from the user w = eval(input("please, input the width of the room in inches :")) w_conv = w * 0.0254 # converting to meters area = l_conv * w_conv # calculating the area of a room, A = W x L print("The area of the room", l, "inches by", w, "inches is", area, "square meters.") print("Have a good day!") main()