def main(): print("main function") def sum_(L): """ L is a list of integers returns the sum of all elements of the list""" # put your code here def average(L): """ L is a list of integers returns the average of all elements of the list""" # put your code here def sumOfSquares(L): """ L is a list of integers returns a new list of squares of elements of list L, does not modify the original list """ # put your code here def product(L): """ L is a list of integers returns the product of all elements of the list""" # put your code here def min_(L): """ L is a list of integers returns the smallest element of the list""" # put your code here def max_(L): """ L is a list of integers returns the greatest element of the list""" # put your code here def readFromFile(): """ prompts for the file name, reads values from it (separated by space and new line), stores them in a list, returns the list of values from file """ # put your code here def outputToFile(s): """ prompts for the file name, writes string s into it """ # put your code here