Kerry Ojakian's CSI 33 Course Materials
Main Textbook : Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python and C++ by Reed and Zelle
You do not need to buy it.
Supplemental Textbook by Clifford Shaffer: Textbook Website
PDF of C++ Version
(freely available textbook in C++, or Java)
Video: Installing Anaconda/Jupyter (Not the slickest video, but maybe it helps!)
Try Jupyter Online!
Create and work with Jupyter Notebook file: Extension ".ipynb"
To get a blank worksheet:
At the top left, click on "File --> New Notebook"
For C++, select "C++ 17"
For Python, select "Python 3"
To name a worksheet: Click "File --> Rename" at the top center (can also do after downloaded)
To save a worksheet: Click "Download" at the top center
To upload a worksheet:
Click "File --> Open" at the top left
Then click "upload" at the top right
Then click on your uploaded file
Online C++ Compiler -- REPLIT
Online C++ Compiler -- GDB
Online Information
Video: Data Structures at Youtube
Online Book/Tutorial: Tutorials Point
Online Book/Tutorial: Wiki Books
Short Tutorial (not mine!): Postfix Tutorial
Bright Space
(login at top right going to "Bright Space" option - Grades, Zoom links, and private information available here)