#include//Template example #include using namespace std; template HA add(HA x, HA y);//template for addition. Works with any kind of input (essentially) //char add(char x, char y); int main() { cout << "3 + 5 = " << add(3,5) << endl; cout << "3.342332 + 5342.23443 = " << add(3.342332 , 5342.23443) << endl; string str1{"Hey"}; string str2{"you"}; char ch1{'!'}; char ch2{'9'}; // cout << ch1 + ch2 << endl; cout << "\"Hey\" + \"you\" = " << add(str1,str2) << endl; cout << ch1 << " + " << ch2 << " = " << add(ch1,ch2) << endl; } template HA add(HA x, HA y) { return x+y; } // char add(char x, char y) // { // if(x+y > 127) // return '0'; // else // return x+y; // }